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Your Guide to Bespoke Shoes

In the world of fashion, where trends come and go, there is a timeless elegance and charm that bespoke shoes bring. These meticulously handcrafted works of art are the epitome of luxury and sophistication. 

From the selection of the finest materials to the skilled craftsmanship involved, bespoke shoes offer a unique experience that goes beyond mere footwear. 

Keep reading to delve into the world of bespoke shoes—exploring their history, the process behind their creation and the reasons why they continue to captivate discerning individuals seeking unparalleled style and comfort.


The History of Bespoke Shoes

Bespoke shoes have a rich history that dates back centuries. The term "bespoke" originates from the word "bespeak," meaning to order in advance. This practice gained prominence in the 17th century, when skilled artisans started handcrafting shoes tailored to the precise measurements and preferences of individual clients. The tradition flourished in Europe, particularly in England, where renowned shoemakers catered to the aristocracy.


How Are Bespoke Shoes Made?

Crafting a pair of bespoke shoes is a labour-intensive process that requires exceptional skill and attention to detail. It typically begins with a detailed consultation between the shoemaker and the client. Measurements are taken, and the client's preferences regarding style, material, and design are discussed. These conversations serve as the foundation for the creation of a unique pattern, known as the "last," which determines the shoe's shape and fit.

At Savile Row Company Custom Made, you will visit our store and be taken through an extensive consultation where clients can select and design their own shoe using an online programme. Alternatively, you can do this at home. Your choices will then be sent to our European shoemakers who will meticulously cut and assemble the various components of your bespoke shoes. 

Premium quality leather is often chosen, handpicked for its durability, suppleness, and aesthetic appeal. Every detail, from the stitching to the placement of eyelets and buckles, is carefully executed by hand. This level of craftsmanship ensures a superior fit, unmatched comfort, and exceptional longevity.


Are Bespoke Shoes Worth it?

One of the key advantages of bespoke shoes is the perfect fit they provide. As they are built to match your measurements and preferences, issues such as discomfort or blisters are minimised—making them a delight to wear.  

The customisation options are endless, allowing individuals to express their personal style and preferences. Whether it's a particular colour, unique pattern or intricate detailing, bespoke shoes offer unparalleled creativity and exclusivity.

Moreover, bespoke shoes are crafted to stand the test of time. The use of high-quality materials, combined with expert craftsmanship, results in shoes that can be resoled and repaired—prolonging their lifespan. This sustainability aspect adds to their value and reduces the need for frequent replacements, making them a wise investment.


How Much Are Bespoke Shoes?

The price of bespoke shoes can vary significantly depending on various factors such as the materials used, the complexity of the design, the reputation of the shoemaker, and the region where the shoes are made. At Savile Row Company Custom Made, you’ll pay £950 per pair. However, if it’s your first purchase, you can now enjoy 50% off.


What do Bespoke Shoes Look Like?

Each bespoke shoe is an individual design. You can completely tailor the appearance of your footwear to create a unique shoe suitable for your needs. You will be able to select the style of the shoe (from brogues to Chelsea boots), plus choose different heel sizes, materials and inner soles. There is also an option to include monogramming for an extra special touch.


How to Store Bespoke Shoes

Storing bespoke shoes is an art in itself. By following these guidelines and adopting a careful approach, you can preserve the elegance and quality of your bespoke shoes for years to come. 

Proper storage, combined with regular cleaning and maintenance, will ensure that these unique pieces of footwear continue to captivate with their craftsmanship and sophistication. Invest time and effort into caring for your bespoke shoes, and they will reward you with timeless style and unmatched comfort.


Clean and Prepare

Before storing your bespoke shoes, give them a thorough clean. Remove any dirt, dust or stains using a soft brush or cloth. Allow the shoes to dry completely to prevent the growth of mould or mildew. Additionally, consider applying a high-quality shoe polish or conditioner to nourish the leather and keep it supple.


Use Shoe Trees

Invest in quality shoe trees that match the shape and size of your bespoke shoes. Shoe trees help retain the shoe's form, prevent creasing while absorbing moisture—thus preserving the overall structure and appearance. Insert the shoe trees into the shoes before storage to maintain their shape and minimise the risk of deformation.


Optimal Shoe Storage

Choose a storage area that is cool, dry and well-ventilated. Avoid places prone to extreme temperatures, humidity or direct sunlight. These can damage the leather and cause it to fade or crack. 

You should also consider using a dedicated shoe cabinet or shelf with proper air circulation to allow the shoes to breathe. Individual shoe bags made of breathable fabric can also help protect the shoes from dust and light.

Rotate Your Shoes

If you own multiple pairs of bespoke shoes, it is beneficial to rotate them regularly. Alternating your shoe selection allows each pair to rest and recover from wear, reducing the strain on the leather and extending their longevity. Regular rotation also prevents the development of permanent creases and uneven wear patterns.


Avoid Stacking

Avoid stacking or piling up your bespoke shoes. Stacking can lead to unnecessary pressure and deformation, compromising the shape and structure of the shoes. Instead, store them side by side, allowing each pair to have sufficient space to maintain its form.


Maintain Moisture Balance 

Proper moisture balance is crucial for preserving the quality of bespoke shoes. Excessive dryness can cause the leather to crack, while excessive humidity may lead to mould growth. Consider using silica gel packets or moisture-absorbing products to maintain the ideal moisture level within the storage area. However, ensure these products do not come into direct contact with the shoes.


Regular Inspection & Maintenance

Periodically inspect your bespoke shoes for any signs of damage, such as loose stitching, worn-out soles, or weakened areas. Promptly address any issues by taking them to a professional cobbler or shoemaker for repairs. Regular maintenance, including resoling and reconditioning, can significantly extend the lifespan of your bespoke shoes.


Final Word

Bespoke shoes embody the perfect fusion of art, craftsmanship, and personalisation. They are more than just footwear; they are a reflection of one's individuality and appreciation for the finer things in life. 

The timeless elegance and exceptional comfort they offer make them an unrivalled choice for those seeking the utmost luxury and exclusivity. Investing in a pair of bespoke shoes is not just a purchase; it is an experience that connects individuals to a rich heritage and a tradition that continues to thrive in the modern world.


Arrange a consultation via our online booking form.